Astonishing results in a little more than a week
"I could wear shorts and sleeveless shirts again!"
“I’ve had Spongiotic Psoriasis for the last five years. It covers my entire body sparing only my face. I have been to several dermatologists that have prescribed light therapy and or steroidal creams. The lamp cost $3,000.00. The first steroidal cream prescribed was Clobex which costs $495.00 for 4 oz. I was prescribed another steroidal cream, C-triamcin/Cerave, this worked well for a few weeks and then I was back to my scabby self. I found Renucell. The results were astonishing. I had significant results in a little more than a week. No itching, no redness, healing of the lesions and no new ones. I could wear shorts and sleeveless shirts again! As a woman and personal trainer, skin is such an indicator or good health. My psoriasis is chronic but I know that Renucell will help me manage my condition without the harsh side effects from the prescription drugs and medications. Thank you!”
-- Peggy Burns C.P.T. C.P.F.